Improved the quality of the monster sprites on the world map
Optimised backgrounds, uncompressed size down from 29.2 MB to 12.9 MB
Optimised character sprites, uncompressed size down from 717.69 MB to 265.32 MB
Version 0.9.12 -
The map has been greatly expanded, and all stages have been added to the game. There are now 100 stages to play!
Two new shops can be found in the new sections of the map
The following additional items are now fully implemented and can be found in the game:
Ring of Wisdom: You learn faster!
Katterat's Blessing: Chance to find more items
The Vampire's Embrace: A little life steal goes a long way
Jewel of the Merchant Prince: Another way to get coins
Ring of Dexterity: Chance to dodge an attack!
The Guided Arrow: Hit 'em where it hurts!
Pendant of the Clever Fool: A benevolent spirit will occasionally help you spell words
The Golem's Skin Serum: Helps your skin resist minor abrasions
Elixir of the Eagle: Get an eagle's point of view
Potion of Perception: Helps you think of a word to play
...and more!
Increased the input area around a stage, triggering a stage won't require as precise a touch anymore
King Arkind will now actually give a reward for winning as promised. If the player's inventory is full, the player will receive some coins instead!
Item drop rates and level progress have been rebalanced with the larger map and increased amount of items in mind
Fixed a bug where sometimes an NPC's dialogue would be immediately skipped and the game would continue to the battle arena
Fixed spacing in the win dialogue when displaying large XP rewards
Sped up the XP traveling from the defeated monster to the experience bar
Version 0.9.11 -
A new NPC by the name of Nevi will deliver the storyline through dialogue in-game
A tutorial has been added. Upon starting a new game, Samarinda will guide the player through all the intricacies of the game
The tutorial can be disabled in the settings
The world map GUI has received a much-needed upgrade
Added a player character info sheet to the world map. Tap on your character's portrait to view stats like class, level, stages cleared, and more!
Added your total gained XP to the rewards list on the victory screen
Added a watch ad button on the victory screen. Watching an ad will give you bonus rewards!
Fixed having to tap on a stage twice to trigger that stage if you've just loaded the game, or returned to the map, and your character is already at the stage you tried to enter
Fixed character ending up at the wrong stage when changing destinations partway through travel
You can now view stage details after winning a stage. These details include monster name, monster level, total wins and losses, and the trophy/star requirements
You can now battle for a better trophy/more stars by watching an ad
Version 0.9.10 -
Games saved before this patch will be wiped
Stars and trophies for winning a battle have now been added!
Rebalanced player progress and monster levels
You can now challenge opponents multiple times. The XP rewards will be subject to diminishing returns
The following additional items are now fully implemented and can drop as rewards:
Potion of Thought: Adds 15/10/5 seconds to your timer based on the game's selected difficulty
Potion of Echoes: You can play two words during your turn
Elixir of Knowledge: A rare concoction that boosts your XP
Elixir of Souls: A rare concoction that gives you two additional tokens
The Somnambule's Shield: A ring that gives some damage protection
Ring of Ur the Farsighted: Allows the player to see farther through the fog of war
Pendant of Pirriax: Chance to confuse your enemy, making them lose their turn
Elixirs cannot be equipped and must be consumed on the world map straight from the player's inventory (double tap an item to open its description)
Added a few hidden stages. There's an item in the game that might help you spot them!
Added a new shop, Loriquai's Bazaar, on the path before the swamps
Added a dedicated close button for the inventory screen
Added placeholder textures to equipment slots to indicate the type of equipment the slots are intended for
Added more missing words to the database
The save game slot buttons in the Continue game submenu now show the saved game's character level, total stages cleared, and avatar head, in addition to the previously added difficulty level
Added background music to the world map
The world map background music can now be toggled in the settings menu
Added an alert sound and pulsating effect to the turn timer during the final seconds of the player's turn
The pirate captain's appearance has been tweaked to better reflect his ghostly nature
Using sort or shuffle while having a word partially played will no longer affect the played letters
Fixed hit animations playing twice under certain conditions
Fixed the item description window occasionally closing as soon as it was opened
Fixed the king's stage becoming visible and accessible too early
Fixed missing throw animation on one of the knights near the king
Fixed long words causing the attack to get stuck in the spinning animation
Fixed long words sometimes inflicting damage to the player while they were being spelled out
Version 0.9.9 -
Games saved before this patch will be wiped
A new token system for game play has been implemented. To challenge enemies you must have tokens. Losing a challenge, or leaving one before it's finished, will cost 1 token. When you're out of tokens, you can watch an ad to gain 3 new tokens
Reduced the bonus damage given by the Ring of Power from 2 to 1
The World Map HUD is no longer blurred when the inventory or shop is open
HUD sound effects can now be switched off in the settings
Marked a few additional words as vulgar to prevent monsters from spelling them
Fixed played letter tiles alignment, they are now properly centred between the player and monster
Monsters can no longer repeat words played by the player
The game slots in the Continue sub menu will now show the saved game's difficulty
There is now a confirmation screen when overwriting a saved game slot
There is now a confirmation screen when buying or selling items in a shop
Fixed the first stage of the branching path next to the king becoming available too early
Sprites in battle arenas are now positioned closer together on wider screens
Potions of Health will now correctly apply their intended effect, instead of always granting 5 health
You can no longer drink a Potion of Health if your health is full
Version 0.9.8 -
Added difficulty options when starting a new game. Existing games will default to medium. Choose wisely, the difficulty can't be changed once the game has started
Easy: 30 seconds per turn
Medium: 20 seconds per turn
Hard: 10 seconds per turn
The main menu has a new game title, logo, background, and more
Fixed layout issues on tablets
Added some missing words to the dictionary
Added a label to shops, indicating the shop's name
Added a dedicated close button for shops (you no longer have to use the inventory button)
Various menus and other windows will now blur the scene running in the background
Increased the size of the menu button in battle arenas
Added a Close button to the menu in battle arenas
Item prices will now show directly in the shop inventory UI
Added an options menu to the world map, so you can return to the main menu
The speed at which attacks travel towards their target has been increased
The New Game/Continue sub menus on the main menu are now titled accordingly
Clicking the main menu menu items now properly opens/closes the correct sub menus, when applicable
The Continue button in the main menu is now disabled if there are no save games to continue
The game slot buttons will now show an 'Empty' label if there is no saved game in that slot
The game slot buttons in the Continue sub menu are now disabled if they have no save game to continue
Fixed old save game data being transferred over to new games
Fixed next stage(s) always being revealed when returning to the world map, regardless of the last match's outcome
Fixed the first stage on the path on south western corner of the world map being revealed too soon
Version 0.9.7 -
Added a shop to the starting area where the player can buy and sell items
Some NPCs/monsters now have things to say!
Updated played tile y position to match the recently updated player and monster character positions
Player's wealth is now stored in the inventory resource (code change only)
Fixed first stages on branching paths being revealed and becoming accessible too early
Increased the size of the item description pop-ups, and added the item's sell value
Fixed player still being allowed to play letters after the turn timer ran out
Fixed quick tap on a letter moving towards the played area causing that letter to be returned to its original position